Tuesday Morning Portrait drawing and painting with Charles Miano

from $65.00

Time: 10 AM - 12:30 PM EST
Date: Tuesday, January 7, 14, 21, 28 (2025)

Join Charles for his weekly Head Study Classes on Tuesdays!

With Miano’s sculptural and mass-oriented approach to portraiture, you will realize your full potential of seeing. Miano’s method blends a perfect balance of an abstract, free approach with traditional studio technique. Unleash your power of personal expression while maintaining the beauty and naturalness of realism.

You will learn to build a portrait, step-by-step from start to finish. You will grasp the differences in capturing both a male and female likeness. He will teach you the techniques to practice when working from life. You’ll also get a taste of what his Atelier Apprentices experience full-time in the Guild Apprenticeship at his Academy.

We are currently only accepting 5 participants.

4 Sessions - Price $230 ($220 + $10 Registration fee included)
1 Session - Price $65 ($55 + $10 Registration fee included)

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Time: 10 AM - 12:30 PM EST
Date: Tuesday, January 7, 14, 21, 28 (2025)

Join Charles for his weekly Head Study Classes on Tuesdays!

With Miano’s sculptural and mass-oriented approach to portraiture, you will realize your full potential of seeing. Miano’s method blends a perfect balance of an abstract, free approach with traditional studio technique. Unleash your power of personal expression while maintaining the beauty and naturalness of realism.

You will learn to build a portrait, step-by-step from start to finish. You will grasp the differences in capturing both a male and female likeness. He will teach you the techniques to practice when working from life. You’ll also get a taste of what his Atelier Apprentices experience full-time in the Guild Apprenticeship at his Academy.

We are currently only accepting 5 participants.

4 Sessions - Price $230 ($220 + $10 Registration fee included)
1 Session - Price $65 ($55 + $10 Registration fee included)